
Military training platform

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My Role
UI/UX designer
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Business Outcomes
Keep soldiers alive when detecting IEDs
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User Impacts
Kept soldiers alive in the field

Objective - The AN/PSS-14 IMI course was developed to create a more time/cost efficient method for Soldiers to train, and be certified to use the hand-held mine detector. The courses had to be developed using U.S. Army-developed software compatible with the Blackboard online education program. Each lesson contained detailed videos, images and interactive simulations to properly train students on the operation of the product, and if applicable, how to facilitate the actual course.
Challenge - Work within the requirements and software used by the military

Discovery phase

Myself, another designer, and PM traveled frequently to Fort Leonard Wood, MO to gain an understanding of the users. We built out our personas through user research and interviews with soldiers. We started to then build our the curriculum for this course. We had to work very closely with our clients to make sure we were building a course that was accurate to what the soldiers needed to learn.

New software

Working for the military meant learning new software that was custom built for them. During this project we had to make sure our product was designed and built in a way that fit into their requirements.

Prototyping and testing

We created prototypes and tested these with soldiers. We wanted to make sure what we designed had interactive games, videos, and quizzes. It was important to test and QA this product to make sure we were providing accurate information.


We uploaded the course onto Blackboard (a learning management system) and we also created an .exe file of the application, for soldiers to use in the field where there is no internet access.

Julie truly epitomizes what it means to be a team player. While self-starting and capable of working independently, she is always looking to incorporate feedback from others to ensure the best product goes forward. She is a true professional, and the quality of her work speaks volumes of her character. Julie is a pleasure to work with and will instantly add value to any team she is on.
Anthony Calamito: Chief Geospatial Officer, Boundless
I worked with Julie at Excelacom and really enjoyed her creativity, combined with her ability to get things done, on time and with great quality.She is a great graphic designer, continuously bringing to the table new ideas and helps transform storytelling of technology and data into visual and graphical interfaces.I highly recommend working with Julie!
Yossi AbrahamCMO, Excelacom
Julie is an absolute pleasure to work with. She is extremely talented and her work ethic is second to none. Her ability to gather customer requirements and ideas and distill them into a presentable, compelling media is truly impressive. It would be a privilege to work with Julie again in the future and I hope I have the opportunity to do so.

Elliott FergusonVP, Professional Services, Boundless
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