Mobile, Leadership

Cosmic Rewards

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My Role
UI/UX ownership of android mobile app
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Business Outcomes
Increase ARPU, Increase User Engagement, & Time to market
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User Impacts
Oversee User behavior of mobile app from 0 to 1 Million downloads

Cosmic Rewards, an US based Android reward-play app with over 1,000,000+ downloads and a Google play store review at 4.0 stars. I led the design team for this product. Our primary goal was to design an engaging, retention heavy, and scalable mobile app that brings together gamification and rewards in an innovative way.

Key KPIs that we supported:

  • Customer Churn Rate
  • Downloads Per User
  • Average Revenue Per User (ARPU)
  • Customer Lifetime Value

There were 6 key aspects of the design process.

  1. Establishing a comprehensive User Research process
  2. Creating a new scalable Design System
  3. Design UX strategies to increase retention and reduce churn
  4. Onboarding, First Time User Experience (FTUE), and Day 1 retention
  5. Developing Omnichannel Assets for a Cohesive Experience
  6. Analyze the data and testing rollout

Establishing a comprehensive User Research process

At the start of this product, we recognized the critical need for a robust user research process to navigate the saturated market landscape and foster long-term user retention. Our research strategy was meticulously crafted with clear objectives: to gain deep insights into user behaviors, needs, and pain points specifically related to rewards and gamification, while establishing key metrics for tracking engagement and satisfaction.

We implemented a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to user research. In-depth qualitative interviews provided invaluable insights into user motivations, expectations, and pain points, directly informing our design decisions. To complement this, we deployed quantitative user surveys, including NPS measurements, to gather a more comprehensive view of user sentiment and preferences.

Continuous monitoring of support requests and app store reviews allowed us to identify recurring issues, usability errors, and areas for improvement in real-time. Simultaneously, we leveraged advanced analytics tools to track in-app user interactions, enabling us to identify trends and patterns that guided our data-driven decision-making process.

This holistic research methodology not only provided a 360-degree view of our users but also empowered us to make informed, user-centric design decisions throughout the product development lifecycle. By deeply understanding our users' goals and pain points, we were able to create a compelling, differentiated product in a competitive market, setting the foundation for sustained user engagement and loyalty.

Data oriented tools that we used:

  • Apps Flyer
  • MySQL
  • DataDog
  • Google Analytics
  • CleverTap
Our user research strategies validated our predictions and helped support the direction of the product.

Example of one of our many affinity maps to identify patterns during user interviews

Example of results from a survey to our users

Creating a new scalable design system

We began by reviewing the existing design assets and UI elements of Cosmic Rewards. This initial audit revealed inconsistencies and outdated components that needed addressing to in order to create an app that sparked delight with the users.

We established a set of design principles that aligned with Cosmic Rewards' brand values and user needs. This ensured that our design system was not only aesthetically pleasing but also scalable and adaptable for future enhancements.

Our design system included a comprehensive library of reusable UI components, including buttons, icons, typography, and color palettes. We meticulously documented guidelines to maintain consistency in spacing, layout, and interactions across the app.

Our team's collaboration with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders was crucial. Regular design reviews allowed us to ensure that the design system was consistently applied throughout the development process.

Our Design system increased our production speed from 30%, allowing for our business to see results of new features and strategies in a faster way.
Example of a component in our system

Design UX strategies to increase retention and reduce churn.

We developed interactive prototypes based on our research findings. These prototypes allowed us to quickly test new features and improvements. Figma was instrumental in this process.

Usability testing with real users provided invaluable feedback. We iterated on our designs based on this feedback and observations, ensuring that our final product was intuitive and user-friendly.

Involving key stakeholders, including product managers and developers, ensured alignment between design choices and business goals. Regular reviews helped address any concerns or constraints promptly.

Various Screens within the app

A/B test for a new user behavior onboarding flow

recent activities, notifications, settings

Light and Dark Mode

Onboarding, First Time User Experience (FTUE), and Day 1 retention

With any product, your D1 user experience strategy is critical for retention. Onboarding creates a positive first experience, setting the tone for user engagement and retention. It introduces the app's core features and benefits, helping users understand its value proposition quickly. A few things we stayed mindful of. ..

The onboarding flow should avoid information overload. Each screen should focus on one key concept or action. This prevents cognitive overwhelm and keeps users engaged.

Information should be revealed gradually. Start with the most crucial elements and progressively introduce more complex features as the user moves through the flow.

Guide the user to complete a significant action early in the onboarding process. In our instance, it is downloading and playing a game.

Sign up Screens
Onboarding Screens

The design of the onboarding flow is never complete. It is a part of our product philosophy to constantly optimize this part of the user journey to reduce churn and increase retention. We review daily behavior flows to determine any gaps or opportunities to improve the experience.

Developing omnichannel assets for a cohesive experience

Social Media: We created visually engaging graphics and videos for social media to promote the app. Maintaining a consistent brand presence across platforms was crucial in building recognition and trust.

Email Marketing: Responsive email templates were designed for various communication needs, including newsletters, updates, and promotions. Personalization based on user preferences and behavior improved user engagement.

Push Notifications: We designed push notification templates that adhered to the app's visual identity. Implementing personalized and context-aware push notifications was vital to re-engage users effectively.

Analyze the data and testing rollout

As any of our features take shape, our product team prepares for A/B testing.

Our design team collaborates with data scientists and developers to set up the testing infrastructure, defining test groups and determining the appropriate sample size and duration for statistical significance. This setup is important for gathering meaningful data on the feature's performance and user reception.

The rollout begins as a phased approach, typically starting with a small percentage of users to minimize risk and gather initial data. This is based off of the type of feature, and our goals with the feature. I would closely monitor key metrics and user feedback during this period, looking for any unexpected behaviors or issues. I would leverage tools like DataDog to review heat maps and session recordings to understand how users interact with it. This data collection and analysis phase is critical for informing iterative improvements.

Throughout the rollout, the product designer helps set up and monitor dashboards tracking the feature's performance against defined KPIs. I would participate in regular check-ins with the product team to discuss performance and potential optimizations. As the testing phase progresses, the team faces the crucial decision of whether to proceed with a full rollout, continue testing, or pivot based on the data and insights gathered.

When the decision is made to proceed with a full rollout, I would help plan for a gradual expansion to 100% of users, ensuring the feature scales smoothly and maintains its usability and effectiveness. Post-launch, the designer participates in a team retrospective to discuss learnings from the process and continues to monitor the long-term impact on user behavior and business metrics.

Julie truly epitomizes what it means to be a team player. While self-starting and capable of working independently, she is always looking to incorporate feedback from others to ensure the best product goes forward. She is a true professional, and the quality of her work speaks volumes of her character. Julie is a pleasure to work with and will instantly add value to any team she is on.
Anthony Calamito: Chief Geospatial Officer, Boundless
I worked with Julie at Excelacom and really enjoyed her creativity, combined with her ability to get things done, on time and with great quality.She is a great graphic designer, continuously bringing to the table new ideas and helps transform storytelling of technology and data into visual and graphical interfaces.I highly recommend working with Julie!
Yossi AbrahamCMO, Excelacom
Julie is an absolute pleasure to work with. She is extremely talented and her work ethic is second to none. Her ability to gather customer requirements and ideas and distill them into a presentable, compelling media is truly impressive. It would be a privilege to work with Julie again in the future and I hope I have the opportunity to do so.

Elliott FergusonVP, Professional Services, Boundless
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