

My story

I grew up in Maryland, where I was very involved with serving my community. In fact, I earned a presidential award from George W. Bush for my volunteer work. I started out in high school creating websites and marketing materials for non-profit organizations. I knew then, that my passion was in design.

My career journey

After receiving my B.F.A. in Graphic Design, I began working in the D.C. area where I was a UX designer for the Department of Defense. During this time I worked closely with 4-star generals, and gained a new level of empathy for clients and their users. Some of my projects made an impact on the survival of soldiers in the field. Having this significant level of responsibility, allowed me to gain a strong understanding of user experience and brand identity. I was also exposed to a wide range of devices to design that included google glass, apple watch, and laptops in harsh environments such as Afghanistan.

Wanting to expand my career beyond serving the DoD, I became a product designer for mapping application companies: (Thermopylae Sciences and Technology, later for Boundless, and freelance designer for mapbox). While I love the power behind GIS, and I will always swoon over a beautiful map, I wanted to continue expanding my skillset to different audiences.

Over the years, I expanded my career outside of GISĀ and into different industries such as edtech and adtech. Ultimately, my passion is in scaling the maturity of product and design teams in a way that benefits both users and the business. I also love helping other designers grow their skills. In my spare time I volunteer on ADPlist as a mentor for designers across the globe.